Yay! Another semester is done! I hope everybody is starting to relax.
I am very excited to announce my first ever giveaway. As many of you know, I have been an intern with Lady Vanderbilt since May. Lady Vanderbilt is a company founded by Caroline Orlando and makes incredibly cute necklaces. We have a really cool tumblr blog, you should check it out.
The necklace I am giving away is the "It's in Key" special edition pendant. I thought it would be an appropriate celebration since my thesis topic revolves around music.
Here is how to enter to win the pendant:
1. "Follow" this blog using Google Friend Connect.
2. "Like" Lady Vanderbilt on facebook.
3. Leave a comment on this entry saying you have done these things.
Only enter once. If you already follow the blog and like LV, just say that in your comment.
Want one more chance to win? Follow me on twitter @francescalyn and comment in this entry with your twitter username.
The deadline for all entries is Monday, December 20, 2010 at noon. I'll use a random number generator and a hat to pull names out of so it will be fair. I will announce the winner on December 21, 2010. The winner will have to email me their address so I can have LV ship it out!
I've been following you for a long time. I went ahead and Liked LV on Facebook. But I refuse to register for twitter just to get another entry.
I am following you as bridgestranslation. Thank you for sharing :)
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
Girl, you know I would follow you everywhere, to the ends of the earth even. But, I follow you here, on LV on Facebook, and on twitter as @jdarroyo. heyyyy!
I already like LV and follow you, but I can't win anyway. LU
Following your blog.
Liked LV on Facebook (Amanda Reams)
And following you on Twitter as starification
Follow you on Google Connect & Twitter.
Like on Facebook :)
Farzana Khan
I follow on GFC and I like LV on facebook
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
nice first giveaway :)
I'm following your blog and Like LV on facebook [Mandy Ferrugia].
Thanks for such a great giveaway!!
xo. Mandy
Following on Twitter! :]
I follow your blog and I like LV. I'd like to win the necklace for my beautiful girlfriend
Hey Fran! I just started following you today and am excited to see what you've been up to... it's been so long since I've seen you :)
I also liked LV on Facebook as well (Danielle Knapp).
Have a good weekend!
I now like and follow you.
Following and liked the page! Well I had been following anyway.
lovely blog, and such a nice giveaway!
followed your blog on GFC, name is Jel.
liked your page on FB too via Agua Maldita (FB Name)
and my twitter name is @stopthedrama
punkme15 at gmail dot com
Hi! I'm following you both on google-friend finder(?) and twitter.. And I also liked LV on facebook. My twitter name is @xxTran
- Tran N // www.nobodygotstyle.blogspot.com
I've always been following your blog and twitter :D
However, I don't have a Facebook account..
Lovely Giveaway!
Following this blog via GFC & liked Lady Vanderbilt (Magali Caira Vaz)
Also following you on twitter @magali_c
blog follower(anna_k67) and like LV on FB
i follow you! i like you and LV! give me the giveaway!
I'm following you here as Ria and LV on fb as Ria Kod.
And on twitter as @riakod.
Good luck everyone!!
I just liked LV on facebook! And I've been following you for ages, Fran... ;-) Love the Lady Vanderbilt jewelry-- everything's so cute!
Done, done, done, and done.
Follow here and follow there and follow more. :D
Hey! I've done all the things - I already liked LV on facebook. I follow your blog now and am also following you on twitter under @PascaleDeBom! :)
Wow.. Lovely giveaway.. I hope I'll win.. Followed you in Googlefriendconnect and like lady vanderbilt in facebook..
Krystal Pearl
Following on GFC as @alisonkw and like LV on Facebook.
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