
05 February 2009

My 25 things...the meme that has been circulating on facebook

1. My favorite living musician is Conor Oberst. I know, I've heard every joke about it. I've never seen him in concert before.
2. I really like omelets.
3. I tend to read books really fast. The last nonfiction book I read was Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers. I am also reading Jack Kerouac's Book of Haikus and Nick Hornby's Slam.
4. Some of my closest friends are people I have no spent a lot of face-to-face physical contact with.
5. I am an art nerd.
6. A bunch of my best friends have moved away recently.
7. My favorite non-chocolate candy is Sour Patch Kids.
8. I really liked Slumdog Millionaire.
9. Snails freak me out.
10. I'm trying to do more writing related things now.
11. I look silly in most hats.
12. I like Law & Order: SVU far too much.
13. As much as I love art and being an artist, I would like to work on the business/educational side of art. I believe their is enough room for everybody within art. Accessible but not "dumbed-down" artwork is possible.
14. I hate an unwillingness to educate. I love curiosity. I think actual intelligence is highly overrated. I'm not really impressed if you aren't doing anything with your smarts.
15. I like riding my bike but I'm really slow.
16. My other family is the Barone family. The best gift I have ever gotten was the quilt Lindsey made me. It's magical.
17. I like Scrabble.
18. I am easily entertained. Give me episodes of Degrassi, some googly eyes, or something to draw with.
19. I really like Keira Knightley.
20. My cat is more like a dog. She's not very graceful. I think she gets it from me.
21. I can talk about food for far longer than is necessary.
22. The only cleaning I like to do is vacuuming.
23. I like making things.
24. Stickers make my day.
25. I'm happy.

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