
03 November 2008

It came out when a bunch of crappy 80s movies came was like grunge

I'm having trouble writing my personal statement for grad school. I tend to start talking about it with anyone who will listen and bounce ideas off of them in a demented Dr. House fashion. As I've mentioned before, I go to talk therapy and I even started bouncing ideas of of her. At least I don't have to worry about her thinking I am crazy pants.
Anyway, you'd think writing one page about yourself would be easy. But it seems to get me in this funk of existential despair which is so pretentious it makes me want to throw something. Like, what about my interests is going to be any more interesting than anyone else? I feel like it's all this little game to show how clever you are. And I am sick of cleverness. It makes you want to run away and join the circus.
And questions about your influences sort of gag me. I have a long list of artists I feel like I am influenced by. But I think i am just as influenced by Kurt Cobain's songwriting. I'm influenced by craft felt and googly eyes. And I am influenced by being under the influence. But, how cliche is that? And why should anyone care that I like Jim Houser, Mark Bradford, or anyone else? If you don't like them you will probably think you wont like my artwork. And if you do like them you may think that my artwork is something that it's not because I named those influences. I could have said I like Joseph Cornell, Sarah Sze, and Julie Mehretu and you would probably have a totally different impression of me. And neither are wrong.

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